Wednesday, October 22, 2008

October Sky

He was still trying to find it in the sky. Something he knew, which is up there and appeals to a part of him. He had asked everyone about it and failed. Some gave him that same old look, which he was very used to getting by now. Whenever he asked something which a person didn't know; he was treated with a contemptuous question in return. The omniscient teachers didn't help either. In fact they were most apprehensive about the thought process itself. The friends thought he will get crazy if he hasn't already.

For him it all started when he read about it 3 months back on a piece of old newspaper. Although he also knew that somewhere deep inside a part of him always wanted to believe. This piece of paper gave his imagination new wings. His mind was flooded with questions of all sorts. The torrent of thoughts which as too much for his 9 year old mind. He could join the smaller pieces of picture really well. He can fill in the gaps almost perfectly for a boy as young as him. The world around him provided him the biggest jigsaw puzzle he ever dreamt of. In reality his parents couldn't afford one even if he had known something like this exists. His thoughts were his best companions and in this way he was lucky to have a lot of them. He had found that piece of paper fluttering in the air one windy summer afternoon. The first thing that attracted his eyes were the pure black background, with a blue and grey spheres in the foreground. It reminded him of something he once saw in one of the textbooks he has inherited from another boy a year younger. In his village the books had a long tradition of changing hands. Some even crossed generations, from fathers to sons, although his father never had time or intent of even looking at one. His father has always been too busy working at the farms for since he was 10. So he got his books from a friend and they happened to be ancient in all modern sense. One of these books had a similar looking image and it didn't tool him long to fill in the blanks. The striking image on the piece of paper is the colored picture of the same things. There was a news with that picture saying something which was beyond his imagination. Everything he has construed till now has just got such so much bigger. It was like constructing everything brick by brick from inside out. He has his own pace to work with, adding bricks at his own pace and he was happy with his own progress. He thought he was doing it good. This one picture in blue and grey has just shown him the vast expense of space around his own little place he knew all about. All this while he was counting days; trying to find something more about the wilderness around him. The wilderness never bothered him.......................


Thursday, July 31, 2008

Well if everything goes well and if I won't be attending any more meetings today, this should be my first post here. And ( Although I know most of you aren't interested , if any at all ) like most other things zooming in and out of my subliminal transmission waves, this thought again was totally random. The background was probably already made by the events of the previous few days/months/years and decades. The whole idea was the "spooky" interaction between seemingly disconnected objects/events. Be it the oil prices, food shortage or the blasts in Bangalore and Ahmadabad. The list can be endless. The phenomenon, though termed as "spooky" by some of the bests of all time, is still intriguing and relevant enough ( Nothing to do with quantum teleportation, not yet at least :P ).

So, where does it fit in in the 'general scheme of things'? Well... everywhere to be true. This phrase makes me think about the ever so illusive connection between the seemingly disconnected. ( Feeling sleepy ?? Action at a distance again at work!! )

"After God", one of the most authoritative description of human nature and behavior is summed up by one of our contemporaries. ( No, he isn't George Bush, although full marks for trying!! ) He is woody allen, better known as Woody Allen. So whats up with all this killing going on all around the world? Ah!! I know I am late to the party, most of us have already awakened to the reality ( and contributed their precious time/bandwidth/storage space on the topic already. How insecure we are?? What should everyone do? Whats wrong with the system? Why Bangalore ? ( Given that Ahmadabad can be 'explained' so easily and so 'uncommonly'. ). When Delhi/Mumbai? .....So on and so forth. So... Why so much killing? Well... when was it any lesser in the history?? What should we do? Ask the same question two months from now, you will have easier options.

" Why does man kill? He kills for food. And not only food: frequently there must be a beverage."

Think about it??

I should be back....

And I am .. Surely gladder than 'you all' are. So where does Woody Allen fit in all this at all? For one, he is quite efficiently built man. So, the answer is simple, men kill for no reason at all(Action at a distance again?? )and trying to find the answer of this perpetually puzzling problem is an effort in wrong direction. Leave a group of humans alone on an inhabitable planet and they would create another mirror image of earth with similar behavioral patterns, immediate surrounding does matter but the human nature and the survival instinct appeal to something rooted deep within the conscience. Deeper then all the moral/aesthetic/civil/religious/historical/social/other instincts combined. Pieces must have started falling in place now I am sure. ( If 'you' haven't fallen asleep yet ) . I generally take longer time to explain the relevance and the pretext of things.

So the question is why do men kill? the relevance.. ah not needed, Woody Allen gives us the simplest explanation (as always). And Action at a distance ???

(Junk) Food for thought

"The history of the world is like: He kills me, I kill him, only with different cosmetics and different castings. So in 2001, some fanatics killed some Americans, and now some Americans are killing some Iraqis. And in my childhood, some Nazis killed Jews. And now, some Jewish people and some Palestinians are killing each other. Political questions, if you go back thousands of years, are ephemeral, not important. History is the same thing over and over again."

Should be back again...